First Nations Arts and Culture

STA works to promote and support First Nations artists, cultural organisations and communities. We connect to Aboriginal creatives, colleagues and communities to share, create, live & work. On this page you will find First Nation programs and oppotunites conducted by STA as well as stories, oppotunites, resources and programs gathered from across the country.

Wherever you are in Australia you are on the lands and waters of Australia’s First Peoples. There are many language groups who live and meet across the region where STA operates. Main groups include; Wiradjuri Country coming in from the west, across the north is Gundungurra and Tharawal Country, the south is Ngunnawal Country, and the east is Yuin Country.  For more info on those country you are on you can consult the AIATSIS Map (1994) which attempts to represent the language, social or nation groups of Aboriginal Australia. 

STA respectfully acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the land, sky & waters where we live and their continuing cultural, spiritual customs and practices. 

Aunty Enid Clarke, Wiradjuri Elder and Senior Knowledge Holder living in Young is the inaugural STA Elder in residence for 2024. Find out more

7-14 July 2024 NAIDOC ‘Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud’
Celebrates the unyielding spirit of our communities and invites all to stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices that have long been silenced.

 Mob in Focus: Time to Exhale
Online showcase of recent work by Aboriginal Artists from across the STA region. View Now

Help Protect First Nations traditional knowledge and cultural expressions Details on how to register for a community engagement session or on how to make an online submission by 15 June 2024 are available on our website. 

Wingecarribee. Links and information for
support organisations, service providers and community
groups for Aboriginal People.

Belonging, Possum Skin Blanket
View online or at the Q Theatre in Queanbeyan-Palerang.

First Nations Exhibition at the STA Gallery online
Includes paintings, drawings, prints and objects. An STA Gallery exhibition.

The Aboriginal Regional Arts Alliance Advocacy, support & opportunities for Aboriginal Artists and Communities in Regional NSW.
STA is proud to work with ARAA.

Woven Together
First Nations weaving workshops with Mob and schools.Find out more. 

Weave with Ronnie anytime at STA kids online

Always Will Be! by Djon Mundine. Statement dressing!

Young creatives bring First Nations art and culture to Goulburn hospital – STA is proud to be part of the amazing project

NADA NATIONAL ABORIGINAL DESIGN AGENCY – creating and managing the partnerships between Aboriginal artists and clients.

Jodie Munday 'One Nation - Many People' 2021

STA Acknowledgment of Country Commission

STA worked with Jodie Munday to create our First Nations acknowledgment screen when you arrive at our site using Jodie’s work One Nation – Many People. 
This work is a representation of our land and our people. The Magenta background is symbolic of our rich soils and our rich history. The large waterhole in the background connects life and land to water which both need to survive and thrive. The black and white circles in the centre of the image represent our ancestors. Spreading out across the work are many orange circles which represent different people and different mobs. These circles are joined across many paths to each other and our ancestors. 
This work tells the story that no matter how far we travel or what path we take in life we are always connected to our ancestors and we travel our journey with their knowledge, strength and guidance always by our sides and in our hearts. 
Jodie Munday

Jess Plumb ‘Travelling Arts’ 22

PAINT THE CAR Commission
The STA car has had a deadly makeover with a wrap created from an original work title ‘Travelling arts’ by Jess Plumb. 
My digital artwork represents the travelling arts from a First Nations perspective. The Southern Tablelands Arts logo colours have been incorporated alongside others, to reflect the different areas that southern tablelands art covers and to show their support and collaboration with local artists…

Watch the full story and see the fab merch.

Jess Plumb with Cecilia McKenzie in Crookwell

Stories from the Studio – First Nations Artists

Warwick Keen

Stories from the Studio: Warick Keen Today STA were lucky to meet Warwick Keen inside his exhibition MINDMAPS and other fragments before it opens to the

Jess Plumb

Stories from the Studio: Jess Plumb  This week at Stories from the Studio we are delighted to catch up with Jess Plumb. Jess is a

Monica Bridge

Stories from the Studio: Monica Bridge A very special Stories from the Studio this week with Monica Bridge! Monica is a contemporary Aboriginal artist, and

Jerikye Williams

Jerikye Williams: Stories from the Studio This week STA had the pleasure of catching up with Jerikye Williams, who is the Highland FM’s 100% Home-grown

Djon Mundine

Djon Mundine OAM: Stories from the Studio STA caught up with Djon Mundine OAM for a trip through The Dingo Project, an exhibition he curated

Creative Directory – First Nations

First Nations artists, designers, creatives and cultural organisations right across the Southern Tablelands and Highlands of NSW.
Search the full Creative Directory here.

Dashanti Carr

Dashanti is a 17-year-old 4th generation Aboriginal artist living in Berrima.

Caitlin Sheedy

Cat Sheedy is a young First Nations woman from the Hilltops Shire, currently residing in Young after spending much of her childhood and early teens

Alfie Walker

Alfie is a Wiradjuri Gibir, Yuin man & local Aboriginal story teller. Alfie is sharing his stories through Contemporary Aboriginal rock painting

Djon Mundine

Djon Mundine OAM is a proud Bandjalung man. Mundine is a curator, writer, artist and activist and is celebrated as a foundational figure in the criticism

P & J Design

Aboriginal family (3 generations) We paint a wide range of upcycled & usable art

Jenny Johnson

Jenny is a member of the Wiradjuri Tribe and she has a strong cultural link to the Wiradjuri lands through her mother and has adopted

Culture on the Move

Ronnie Jordan. Cultural knowledge workshops for preschool, Schools, Government, Corporate and Communities.

Jodie Munday – Cr8tive Art

I have been studying art and building my skills for most of my life. My passion for Visual Arts really took hold during my high

Nations Resources Funding Resources and Oppotunites

6 Aug 2024 The Elevate: First Nations Storytelling and Literature Fund is a $10,000 career development grant

Opportunities for First Nations Artists through The Australia Council

First Nations funding opportunities currently on offer through Grant Connect.

Creative Koori Projects aims to build support for a strong, resilient and exciting Aboriginal arts and cultural sector for NSW.

Indigenous Contemporary Music program professional industry-based opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians and bands.

Aboriginal Benefits Foundation Grants Assist Aboriginal communities and individuals.

Indigenous Advancement Strategy  (IAS) is the way the Australian Government funds and delivers a range of programs for Indigenous Australians.

NADA NATIONAL ABORIGINAL DESIGN AGENCY – creating and managing the partnerships between Aboriginal artists and clients.

First Nations Resources and Links

Know Your Country information on acknowledging the Traditional Custodians / Owners of the land you are on, resources, educational support and more.

Reconciliation Australia. Lead body for reconciliation in Australia, to promote and facilitate reconciliation.

First Languages Australia Encourages communication between communities, the government. Resources, projects and information.

NAIDOC WEEK is the first week of July each year. A time to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

13YARN – First Nations crisis support line for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping

The Aboriginal Art Association of Australia (AAAA) serves and represents artists, individuals and organisations that produce, promote, protect culture

Real Futures
Building community capacity through job readiness, training services and employment for Mob across Austraila.

Supply Nation
Australia’s leading database of verified Indigenous businesses: search by business name, product, service, area, or category.

Indigenous Business Australia
Assist and enhance the economic development opportunities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia

Connect with Indigenous business women, to share knowledge in navigating the path less trodden. Wherever you are in your business journey, you have wisdom to share.

Black Magic Woman is a conversational podcast featuring First Nations guests and highlighting the stories, diversity and resilience of First Nations peoples. Hosted by Mundanara Bayles.

Local Land Councils and Organisations

STA First Nations Commitment

STA works to promote and support First Nations peoples to achieve creative and cultural outcomes.

We work respectfully and effectively with First Nations peoples, families and communities.

STA is committed to being a culturally safe and competent organisation. Working to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with First Nations stakeholders and organisations, using our sphere of influence to feature First Nations culture, enhance employment and opportunities to creatively express and practice culture.

We promise to learn slowly, listen often and respect the sovereignty of First Nations people.

free & connects you to the STA universe

Reach out to us
[email protected]

0427 938 110  
Or by appointment at one of our
Mobile Office locations

PO Box 1323 Goulburn 2580
ABN 67 208 214 681


We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the lands where we create, live & work. 

© Southern Tablelands Arts. All Rights Reserved